Every year, ranking the top Research & Technology center is done based on the process of accurate evaluation of process and development indicators of companies in different fields of research units, the analysis of effects of research and development in solving production bottlenecks of companies, development projects and product development, localization catalysts and chemicals, communication with research & knowledge-based centers, increasing productivity, optimizing energy consumption, and the impact of research and development on improving the organization's performance.
It should be noted that Nouri Petrochemical Company with its positive approach and all-round support of its senior managers in expanding effective research, scientific-research, process and development activities and knowing the positive impact of such activities on the upward trend of the company's profitability in line with strategic goals of the organization have started and managed their Research & Technology Affairs since 2013.
Since its commencement, Research & Technology Affairs has been able to achieve admirable practical accomplishments in many fields, such as localization of catalysts and chemicals, carrying out large and effective development projects on a national scale, establishing Technology and knowledge management systems and developing application software. In this regard, in addition to using the internal capabilities of Nouri Petrochemical Company specialists, it has been taken advantage of the capacity of domestic knowledge-based companies, universities and research centers. The results of some of these activities have been published in high-status national and international journals