Nouri Petrochemical Company is Awarded the Golden Statue in CSR

Jan 25, 2021
Nouri Petrochemical Company earned the golden statue in the fifth conference of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).


According to the Nouri Petrochemical public relations, the fifth conference on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the oil industry was held on 14th January. The Minister of Oil, senior managers of the ministry, and its affiliated companies were at this conference held online. In the end, Nouri Petrochemical Company won special awards for reporting and registering its report at the international level.
Nouri Petrochemical Company submitted its first sustainability report for 2017 and its second biennial sustainability report for 2018 and 2019 to the GRI in December this year. The company's sustainability reports are published annually or biennially to make activities transparent and accountable to the community and shareholders. Also, it had won a golden statue in the social responsibility performance report in the fourth conference of social responsibilities in 2018.
At this conference, the book Titled "Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility from Theory to Practice" published by Nouri Petrochemical Company, was introduced.
Nouri Petrochemical Company, as a leading and active organization in the field of social responsibility, has always considered these measures very valuable and in this regard has carried out several plans and projects independently or with the cooperation of institutions active in the field of social responsibility.
Environmental protection by principled management of waste, reducing emissions by periodic monitoring of the complex equipment, creating a complex green space beyond legal requirements, dolphin protection project of the Persian Gulf, a plan to support the children of privileged orphans Region, participation in the support and capital projects of the Petrochemical Strategic Council for the local community of the region are some of these measures.
The recovery of the flare stack is one of the newest and most important environmental measures of this complex. Its construction will start next week at the same time as the clean air week for the first time in the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone.

Public Relation
Number of visit : 4,732
Code : 92
Keywords: CSR, Golden Statue, Corporate Social Responsibility


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